Monday, May 11, 2009

update on going private

I know I said May 1st was lock down day but on account of not having had time to make sure I have all the email addresses from friends and family I am pushing that date out a little bit. We will still be going private it will be in a week. Do not let that make you think that you have got lots of time left if you havent let me know youre reading and want to continue. Thank you to those of you who have let me know your email addresses so you can be on the list!To those of you who still haven't-- DO IT NOW! ha ha thanks!


Tori Mitchell said...

I can't remember if I did or not, so here is my!
Love ya guys! See you tonight too!

Ashlyn Ellsworth said...

You better have me on your list! In fact I better be at the top of that list lub muffin! Just in case my email is

The Johnson Family said...

here is my email

Melanie Falater said...

Add me too please! it's the only way I see Christopher :) (my fault) I got your message and we are doing good....we need to get together and do lunch or something before I have to go back to work

John-David and Kathryn said...

Hey Chris and Emily
It's Kathryn, Chris' cousin. WE like to be able to stay in the loop. Our email address is
We would love an invite.

Erin Ellsworth said...

Thanks for inviting me to your blog!

You need to add my blog to your side bar. It is

Cool lawn mower!