Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!

Chris and Christopher spent the day together and I went to work. yipee... hahaha jk it was actually fun. There were sooooooooo many guys that came in needing gifts. Easy sales-- gotta love that. :) After work I came home and Chris had a cute card for me (that he had helped Christopher sign) along with some beautiful roses. It was early enough we thought we would try and go to dinner. Well apparently even 5 is not early enough on Valentines. There was a HUGE line, so we just headed back home and made dinner and watched some of our favorite shows that we had recorded. It turned out to be a really fun day! I love you Chris and Christopher!


Our story said...

How cute is he, I love it! I just wrote Tori that we should take the kids to the safe kids fair at the expo center next weekend, are you up for it for our play date?