My dear, sweet, little Grandma "Mor" (which means Mom in Danish) returned home to our Father in Heaven last Monday March 2. I will miss her like crazy! She was more than just a grandma to me.... she was truly one of my very best friends. She taught me so much! We had so much fun together and I will cherish the memories. She was a wonderful woman! I am so thankful to have had the chance to be so close to her all through my life. I am so thankful for the gospel at this time, and my testimony that I will see her again! I know that there was a very happy reunion going on in heaven last week when she got to see my sweet Grandpa (far) again! I love you so much dear Mor!
Top picture-- a very pregnant looking me (almost 7 months) on my birthday with Mor
Bottom picture-- Baby Christopher meeting his Great Grandmother the first time
Emily I am sure you're hanging in there barely! Please know I am thinking of you during this time and know that I love you so much. Your post was so beautiful and exactly what I needed to hear. We are lucky to know our grandmas are both up in heaven happy and looking down on us. Keep smiling! Tell your family I love them!!
Wow, you and Ashlyn both lost your Grandma's. I'm so sorry. I hope you're doing okay.
I am so sorry. It is so hard to lose grandparents.
Em, I am sorry for your loss. I loved hearing you tell me about her and how she was waiting to say goodbye. let me know if you need anything! I haven't been blogging in forever, but I loved catching up. It's amazing how fast these sweet babies grow up!
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