Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I wanna drive!

Chris asked if we wanted to go with to hit a bucket of balls. When we got to the course the guy asked if we wanted to just go play a couple of holes because the range was already closed. It was so much fun to be out playing together. The last time I was on this course with Chris was the day before my due date. Lets just say I had much more fun this time- not feeling like I was going to pop. We set the camera up with the timer so we could have a family picture. Christopher wanted to drive the cart most of the time but towards the end was happy to just sit in my lap and drink his bottle. It was such a pretty night, and we had so much fun. We did get some funny looks- I guess its not really the norm to sneak a baby on the course. haha


Our story said...

Talan would think that was a car just his size.Cute pictures.